Friday, March 14, 2008


What a great tool. I have not started an account but will soon. I can see this making searching your favorite sites much easier. I have tons of bookmarks on my computer here at work and it is a constant worry that some day this darn computer is going to crash and zip, all my bookmarks gone. Errrr! With a account I would not have to worry! Yea, sunny days.

I like the tagging part, this gives people so many options when they have large lists of sites and they need to find a page fast. As for the # of people who have also subscribed to this website, it is interesting but I would not use it much.

It would be nice to make one of these for our branch. It would be useful for those reader's adviosry questions.With the tags it would be so much easier for looking up that hard to find time period that all the sixth graders in the school district need. :-)

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