Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wicked Wiki

Wikis are definitely interesting. I use Wikipedia quite frequently and find that it is a very good source for quick information. As I was looking at the different wikis listed on the Discover 2.0 page I was disappointed with most of the sites. The information on the sites would be more appealing on a regular webpage. I did like the Wikihow, it always nice to know there are instructions out there on how to hire a bodyguard in case the need ever arises. :-) Wikimedia Commons was also fascinating, I am very visual and I loved the cool pictures, check out the picture above that I found while searching.
As for concerns about these kind of sites, I don't have many. I'm sure that there is bad information out there, but for every person who adds bad content to a page there is someone out there who is just inchin' to correct the information and then all is well.
We use pbwiki here at work to keep track of storytime themes, fingerplays and good books for school visits. I think that it is a great resource but I am never quite satisfied with it. I keep thinking, if I could only do this or I wish entering data was easier. For now, it's great but hopefully later I will find something that meets all my needs.

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